Monday, June 30, 2008

Christ, My Companion - Marilyn Chandler McEntyre

Christ, My Companion: Meditations on the Prayer of St. Patrick is a new book from Marilyn Chandler McEntyre (PhD Princeton University). McEntyre is a professor of English at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA.
In this small book McEntyre moves through the Prayer of St. Patrick, line-by-line, ruminating on the meaning of each statement. She focuses heavily on how we experience Christ's omnipresence in our lives and intersperses appropriate scripture throughout, though it is not heavy with references.

Though the book looks like it may teach from a viewpoint based in Celtic spirituality, McEntyre's approach is that of an American evangelical.

Siting authors like Wendell Berry, Thomas Hardy, and Herman Mellville, I recommend this book for those who like poetic, devotional reading.

Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

by Andrew

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Discuss "The Shack" at BBH

Baker Book House will be hosting a book discussion on the best-selling book, "The Shack," by William P. Young on Thurs. August, 21, at 7pm. Pastors and professors from the Grand Rapids area will be leading the discussion - more details to come.

"The Shack" is somewhat of a publishing anomaly. It is a self-published book by a first-time author. It has sparked debate and created a buzz among readers because it is a fictional story, based loosely on a true story, that delves into numerous theological topics. (i.e. the Trinity, the problem of pain, divine justice, God's love, etc.) The author's results are often surprising leading some to say "This book changed my life," and others "This book is best forgotten."

Check back for more details about "The Shack" book discussion.

Andrew R.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Solomon Among the Postmoderns - Peter J. Leithart

Postmodernism is more than just a hot topic for undergraduate classrooms. Culture continuously evolves with the passage of time and modernism is on its way out. While some evangelicals embrace postmodern views whole-heartedly others have raised serious concerns. In either direction the postmodern view is an unavoidable part of the church and needs to be addressed in more realms than just academia.

In "Solomon Among the Postmoderns" Peter Leithart is a voice of reason and expertise. In this concise volume Leithart defines postmodernism and expresses both the strengths and the weaknesses of a postmodern worldview.

Beginning with the Renaissance, Leithart deftly covers the trends in philosophical thought leading up to today, then discusses the implications of adopting a postmodern worldview with or without a Scripture acting as a sieve. Drawing largely from the book of Ecclesiastes Leithart emphasizes that human life is fleeting like a vapor and that we are in effect, “sheparding the wind.”

Similar to the ending of Ecclesiastes, Leithart chooses not to leave his readers with a hopeless sentiment by reminding us, "But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works." (Ps. 73:28)
by Andrew Rogers

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