Tuesday, August 26, 2008

4th Annual Youth Pastor Breakfast

Baker Book House is proud to announce our 4th annual Youth Pastor Breakfast. This year's guest speaker is Mark Oestreicher. Marko is the president of Youth Specialties and a 25-year youth ministry veteran. Come and hear Marko speak and see the latest in youth ministry resources from leading Christian publishers. The event will be held at Kentwood Community Church on Wednesday, Sep. 24th from 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Tickets are $5.00 and may be purchased at Baker Book House located in Kentwood. Please RSVP by 9/17/08.


Anonymous said...

Will Marko be taking any "Q and A" or signing books?

Anonymous said...

Hello our friend and brother in Christ! We are from Russia. Our nime are Zhenya and Nika. We are missioneryes in Far East Russia. We work with students. We organize many clubs to construct attitudes friendship and to speak them about the Christ. It is good opportunity to testify about our God and His love! We like your blog! And we too like books by John Piper! Praise the Lord we have some his books in Russian! We will glad if you can write us.Sorry our English. In Christ Aksutins family zn4hisglory4@gmail.com

Anonymous said...


Yes, Marko will be taking Q & A and will also sign books if you bring them along.

Thanks for the question


Louis said...

Zhenya and Nika,

Thank you so much for your kind comments. It is exciting to know that we are reaching fellow christians as far as East Russia. Our blog is fairly new and we will updating as frequently as possible. So please visit us again.