Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Systematic Theology from Michael Horton Coming April 2010

Is it too soon to get excited about something coming out in April 2010? Maybe, but I am. My friend Andrew Rogers at Zondervan gave me a heads up on this new systematic theology from Michael Horton. The catalog gives the following description:

"A prolific, award-winning author and theologian, professor Michael Horton’s highly anticipated The Christian Faith represents his magnum opus and will be viewed as one of—if not the—most important systematic theologies in the past fifty years. A must read for professors, pastors, students, and armchair theologians."

"Features of this volume include: (1) a brief synopsis of biblical passages that inform a particular doctrine; (2) surveys of past and current theologies with contemporary emphasis on exegetical, philosophical, practical, and theological questions; (3) substantial interaction with various Christian movements within the Protestant, Catholic and Orthodoxy traditions, as well as the hermeneutical issues raised by postmodernity; and (4) charts, sidebars, questions for discussion, and an extensive bibliography, divided into different entry levels and topics."

I thoroughly enjoyed Horton's visit to our store when he spoke on his book Christless Christianity. I look forward to this volume and anticipate it will quickly become a standard for systematic theologies (at least in the reformed tradition).

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