Saturday, September 12, 2009

Coming Soon from David C. Cook - On Guard

I was surprised to see this from Cook Publications. It is a title from William Lane Craig called On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Passion. I don't have much information on it yet but I expect it will be out some time next Spring. In his latest newsletter Craig describes the book as a "training manual for laymen in defending their faith." He also said, "because there are so many graphics in this book in the form of pictures, side bars, boxes, and so on, Cook is taking the unusual step of asking their designers to design every single page in the book to ensure an attractive and engaging appearance."

I expect this will be a great resource for Youth Pastors to work through with their youth. Not only youth but small groups in general could benefit from this work. The field of Christian apologetics has advanced light years ahead from where it was in the past few decades and the more publishers can do to disseminate that into the popular audience should be applauded. As I get more information about this I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Paul D. Adams said...

Good that Craig is getting more exposure on a popular level and in church curricula. Appreciate the idea here on the series, but not sure I like the title. Seems to put believers on the offensive, rather than the defensive. Typically, apologetics is a "defense" of our faith, not an "offense" of our faith. Understand 1 Peter 3:15 and the necessity of apologetics, but think marketing missed on this one.