Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Keeping the Christmas Story Straight

We sell a lot of manager scenes in the store and many of them come complete with animals, angels and the most complete ones always have the three wise men. Children growing up have these images running through their mind has they're told the story of Mary and Joseph not finding room at the "inn" and so the baby Jesus is born in a stable with all the animals watching and the three wise men presenting their gifts.

Ben Witherington has a nice post entitled Star-Studded Wise Men: Rethinking the Christmas Story. It's worth reading just to be able to separate truth from fiction. Many thanks to my friend Paul who provided this link along with several others related to the Christmas season (He even included a couple of mine. Thank you Paul.) He plans on updating the post as he comes across more items of interest so check back from time to time to see what's new.

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