Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Great Trinity Debate Challenge

Robert Bowman at Parchment and Pen has issued a challenge to debate someone who does not believe in the Trinity.

The debate will begin some time after the New Year and go for six weeks. Here's the proposed format:

Week #1: My opponent and I would set forth our understanding of the nature of God (his attributes, e.g., omnipotent or not, omnipresent or not, incorporeal or corporeal) to make sure everyone understands what, if any, differences we have on that subject.

Weeks #2 and #3: The two of us would each set forth our understanding of the identity/person of Jesus Christ.

Week #4: The two of us would each set forth our understanding of the identity, status (person or non-person), and/or nature of the Holy Spirit.

Week #5: The two of us would each set forth a case for our position with regard to the Trinity (I would be for it, my opponent against it).

Week #6: Each of us will post one closing statement, with those blog entries open for questions from anyone.

This should prove to be very interesting. I'll keep you posted as dates become fixed and an opponent is selected.

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