Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Steven James is Coming to Baker Book House this Friday!

I don't do much with fiction books or authors on this site for two reasons. 1) We have a separate blog devoted to fiction which is wonderfully done by my co-worker Chris. 2) I don't read a lot of fiction.

But, when it comes to Steven James I can't contain my enthusiasm. The first book I read from Steven was The Pawn. I couldn't read it fast enough. When I was done I felt like I had just come off an all-day roller coaster ride. It reminded me how much fun reading could be. Then came his second entry in the "The Bowers Files," The Rook, and he did it again. I was hooked from the first page till the end. The third in the series was released this past summer and Steven kept the adrenalin pumping with The Knight.

So I'm really excited to tell you that coming next August (which can't get here soon enough) is The Bishop. Watch for it.

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