Friday, April 30, 2010

Coming Soon from Crossway - The Church History ABCs

If there was one section of the store I would love to expand it would be the church history section.  The problem is when I've tried to expand the section with more titles very little sells.  The average person in the pew has virtually no knowlege of the history of the church especially past the Reformation.  So along comes a book that says let's start teaching church history at an earlier age and I say YES!  Church historian Steve Nichols and illustrator Ned Bustard have teamed up to give us The Church History ABCs.  This book looks like a lot of fun.  Here's how the catalog describes it:
"Dramatically converted on the stormy seas, a slave-trader-turned-abolitionist penned the best-loved hymn of the Christian faith. A church father was arrested and martyred for teaching the truth about Christ’s incarnation. Captured by pirates and shipped off to Ireland, a priest baptized thousands of pagans, from paupers to princes. Now who ever said church history was boring?
The Church History ABCs is a fun way for kids to learn about great figures in Christian history. Twenty-six heroes of the faith march through the alphabet, boldly telling their stories in language children can understand. This wide range of characters—men and women from across the centuries, from all over the globe—reflects the breadth of church history and reminds children that these great figures of the past were living, breathing people who lived and died for the glory of God."
But there's more.  The book has a website which offers a "gallery" of kids' drawings of some of the great heros of the faith.  Tertullian looks a bit like a pirate if you ask me.  There are coloring pages and a "Martin Luther Maze."  I'm sure we can expect more to come.  This would be great for parents and grandparents not to mention Sunday School teachers.

Update:  I received the complete list of people treated.  Here they are:

A - Augustine
B - Anne Bradstreet
C - John Calvin
D - John Donne
E - Jonathan Edwards
F - John Foxe
G - Lady Jane Grey
H - Hippolytus
I - Ignatius
J - Absalom Jones
K - John Knox
L - Martin Luther
M - Monica
N - John Newton
O - John Owen
P - Patrick
Q - Queen Jeanne of Navarre
R - Nicholas Ridley
S - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
T - Tertullian
U - Zacharias Ursinus
V - Vivaldi
W - John and Charles Wesley
X - Xavier
Y - Florence Young
Z - Ulrich Zwingli

Look for it this June.  It will be a hardcover with 80? pages and sell for $15.99.

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