Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dealing with Doubt

Everyone struggles with doubt and Christians are no exception. Far too many today are wearing doubt like a badge of honor. Instead of trying to work through the doubt, however, they want to simply profess their doubt and proclaim they are not ashamed of it. Well, they shouldn't be ashamed of it. But I don't think it is wise to simply stop with the recognition that we have doubts. Now not every doubt is of equal importance. Doubting infant baptism is not on par with doubting the Trinity. It's fine if we never come to a conclusion on the subjects of baptism. But to simply live with doubting the Trinity is unwise and, I believe, spiritually unhealthy. So, how do you deal with doubt. I've been encouraged by the things that William Lane Craig has said and written on the subject. Here's a couple of links to questions that were answered by Craig on his website and a segment from YouTube.

Doubts about Christianity
Dealing with Doubt

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