Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baker Authors on Prime Time America

One of my favorite shows to listen to on the way home from work (I have a 45-minute commute) is Prime Time America.  I'm always a little more attentive when a Baker author is on.  This week there has been an unusual number of Baker authors on the show.  Take a look: 

Lynn Cohick is on today and tomorrow talking about her book Women in the World of the Earliest Christians

Graham Twelftree is on today and tomorrow talking about his book People of the Spirit

Julia Duin was on Monday and Tuesday talking about her book Quitting Church.

James K. A. Smith was on Monday talking about his book Desiring the Kingdom

Robert Chisholm was on Tuesday talking about his book Handbook on the Prophets

UPDATE:  Christopher Seitz was on today (1/21/10) talking about his book The Goodly Fellowship of the Prophets.

Glenn Stassen was on 1/21 & 1/22 talking about the issue of his book The War of the Lamb

Dan McCartney was on 1/22 talking about his commentary on James in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series. 

These are some very good interviews and if you have an interest in any of these authors and their books I would encourage you to give them a listen.

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